Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Adventures with Fruits…

We have traveled far on the baby food trail.  After a couple false starts, we have successfully navigated our way through the village of vegetables and are now deep in the heart of the land of fruit.

Fruitland is such a different place than vegetable village.  Everything has a wonderful smell that makes you want to inhale deeply.  And oh my – how sweet the taste!

But there are certain things in Fruitland (you could call them “apples”).  They have something else mixed in with the sweetness.    Some call it “sour” but I like to call it “tart”.  There is an instant sweet sensation in every bite – but right on the heels is a wave of tartness.  It causes my eyes to squeeze shut, my nose to wrinkle, and my lips pucker.  Sometimes it makes me shake and shiver.  As quick as it comes, it goes away and I open my mouth waiting for more!


First bite of apples

The first bite of apples – down the hatch!


Ahhh – the sweetness…

...but wait...

But wait – what is this mixing with my sweet flavor?



…then the “tart” hits…

...makes me shiver...

…and makes me shiver…

Ready for more!

…and then I’m ready for more!



Terri said...

that is hysterical! He's getting so big. Glad to see he's doing so well. hope you both are too!

Unknown said...

love it...he's so very cute :)