Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First days with the brace…

Last Thursday morning, Mike had his casts removed.  A few short minutes later, we were strapping the brace back on.  Worried?  Yep.  Nervous?  Yep.  Anxious?  Yep.  Optimistic?  Yep – that too!

It only took a few minutes to cut the casts off (he still LOVES the sound of the saw!).  And a few short seconds after that, he quickly discovered that he could bend his legs and kick his feet.  The doctor came in to the room and took a look at his feet – and they earned a glowing report!  “Wow – those feet look great!  The are beautiful!  We couldn’t ask for better results!” 

Obviously, that made us feel better.  We spent another few minutes chatting with the doctor, shook hands, and he left us in the room.  Just the three of us.  Mom.  Dad.  Mike.  And the brace (which has been called many other name – none of them are nice…)

So we hunkered down.  Unlaced the shoes, and began our task of putting Mike in the brace.  He laid patiently on the table, looking up at us with a “what are you guys worried about” look on his face.  We slipped his foot into the first shoe, buckled and tied it.  All without a peep from Mike!  Then we slipped his other foot into the second shoe, buckled and tied it.  Again – not a peep!  Then we attached them to the bar.  His feet were SO much easier to get into position!  There was absolutely no problems at all – and Mike took it all in stride.

But we were still apprehensive.   After all, this was still just the first time putting the brace back on.  And it had only been a few minutes.  Not wanting to count our chickens before they hatch, we decided to reserved our judgment until we had a few more opportunities with the brace.

The first came Thursday night.  Remember that Mike had the same cast on for the past three weeks.  For those of you who have never had an infant in casts (especially a boy!) – you can’t imagine how many times he peed down the inside of the cast.  And don’t forget the poop!  So his little legs were certainly ready for a bath.  Off with the brace – and the feet still looking good!  A few minutes at the baby spa and he came out smelling like a rose!  Put on some pajamas – and then back to the brace.  First one foot – then the other foot – then the bar – and Mike didn’t care one single bit!  Maybe things were looking up – but after our last experience, we were still hesitant…

Friday night was much of the same routine – ending with getting Mike in his pajamas and then on with the brace.  Again – no problems!  Saturday night – same routine – same outcome!  Maybe we could begin to relax.  Or maybe we should wait one more day…

Sunday – Valentines day.  This could be the day.  A bath, dress in pajamas, and no problems with the brace!  And now we are starting to breath a little easier…

Not only that – but Mike’s personality has continued to be nearly angelic.  Those bright blue eyes and smiling face are such a contrast to the red-faced screaming that accompanied “round one” with the brace. 

We can still see a little “dimple” in his heel from the pressure point he had before the surgery – and we are keeping a VERY close eye on it to make sure it continues to heal and not get worse.  But so far, so good!  And as of right now, we have no causes for concern!

And in celebration of Saint Valentine’s Day – we’ll leave you with a picture!  The bag is from Mike’s pre-school where he collected Valentines from all of his classmates.  And his shirt does indeed say “my 1st valentine”!


Happy Valentine's Day Happy Valentine’s Day everybody!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day Mike and Mommy and Daddy. Hope everyone enjoys their day. We Love you verrrrry much... Aunt Jennifer, Derek, Lucas & Kiersten

Jo-Ann said...

Yay!!! I am so happy to hear he is comfortable in the bar now! Only looking forward now!